Here at Iowa Pro-Life Action, we fight day in and day out for the unborn.
Often times, this means alerting pro-life activists just like you about urgent legislative fights in the general assembly so that you can be informed and take immediate action to defend life.
And while you’re already on our email alert list, I hope you’ll take a moment to “Like” us on Facebook.
I’m not a huge Facebook fan, as I have a busy life to live. At the same time, we work hard to develop every tool that we can, so that we can contend for the unborn at a moment’s notice.
Bill committee assignments, cosponsor alerts, up to the minute sub-committee developments, and more, all happen sometimes at a moment’s notice – leaving you out of the fight unless you’re getting some of these critical alerts.
By joining the Iowa Pro-Life Action Facebook page, you’ll be banding together with approximately 7,500 of our fellow Iowans all committed to one thing: the ending of abortion in Iowa.
Using this platform, we can give you the tools that you need to be an effective pro-life activist at a moment’s notice.
Even if you’ve never used Facebook before, and are going to have to get help from a family member to get your account set up, I hope you’ll consider doing so today.
And if you’re on Facebook already, once you’ve “Liked” our page, please take a moment to share our page on your wall and encourage all of your friends to do the same.
The babies deserve our very best efforts here in Iowa, and by “Liking” the Iowa Pro-Life Action page, you’ll be that much more ready to fight for them – so please “Like” us today!
Cindy K. Anders
Executive Director
P.S. The 2015 legislative session is underway, and as our Life-At-Conception legislation is about to be introduced, it’s vital that pro-life activists like you and me band together to fight to advance the pro-life agenda in the State legislature!
Often times, things move at lightning-speed in the Capitol, and that’s why I’m hoping you can take a moment to “Like” Iowa Pro-Life Action on Facebook today.
Bill committee assignments, cosponsor alerts, up to the minute sub-committee developments, and more, all happen sometimes at a moment’s notice – leaving you out of the fight unless you’re getting some of these critical alert